Portsmouth CSU


CSU 3 provides intake, probation, parole, assessment and referral services for the Portsmouth Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, and the Portsmouth community. We partner with the Tidewater Youth Services Commission (TYSC) and the Friends of the Portsmouth Juvenile Court volunteer organization to provide for most referral resources for juvenile delinquency matters. The Juvenile Conference Committee, under the authority of the Commission, provides a voluntary sanction utilizing a trained citizen panel that affords the youth an opportunity to avoid a court hearing and disposition; upon successful completion of the program.

TYSC also provides in-home and group home resources. Services are also provided through the Regional Services Coordinator program funded by DJJ. A limited number of youth receive services funded by the Comprehensive Services Act through the local Family Assessment and Planning Team. The Friends volunteer organization coordinates the community-service work sanctions for the court and the CSU and provides programs in response to juvenile and domestic matters. The City of Portsmouth’s Department of Behavioral Healthcare Services provides a part-time counselor for mental health counseling with youth and families.

Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts:

Directions & Map

Services for Youth on Probation and Parole

For youth on probation and parole, court service unit staff have access to a variety of contracted services including assessments and evaluations, individual therapy, family therapy, substance abuse treatment, therapy for youth with sexualized behaviors, and life skills coaching. CSUs access these services through DJJ's contracted regional service coordinators. A directory of services available through DJJ's RSC Model is available at AMIkids.