Assessments are part of the teaching and learning process at Yvonne B. Miller High School (YBMHS). Our teachers regularly give assessments to students to check for understanding and gather information about students' knowledge and skills. The state expects students to participate in certain tests to help with monitoring student performance and to provide information about additional services that may benefit the student.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact Emily Hill of our assessment team at (804) 371-0700.
Released tests are representative of the content and skills included in the Virginia SOL tests and are provided to assist in understanding the format of the tests and questions. Test item sets rather than full released tests are being provided for some SOL courses since the test item bank for those courses cannot support a full release. Raw score to scaled score tables cannot be provided for the test item sets because they do not represent full test forms. Likewise, a raw score to scaled score table cannot be provided for the MC/TEI component of the End-of-Course Writing test because it does not represent a full test form.
The online version of the tests or test item sets is no longer available since the test delivery software has changed. The PDF version will contain the answer key for all items in the test or test item set.
The PDF documents for tests and test item sets released in spring 2015 and spring 2014 show images of the test items as they appeared in an online test format. Due to variability in computer monitors, color in an item may appear differently on one monitor as compared to another.
Growth Assessments - Beginning with the second year of implementation (2022-2023) and beyond, legislation requires that the grades 3-8 reading and mathematics growth assessments be administered to students once in the fall and once in the winter (mid-year) during the school year. In addition to the growth assessments, the SOL tests for grade 3-8 reading and mathematics will continue to be administered.
Parent & Caregiver Resources for Virginia Assessments
VDOE SOL Testing - The Standards of Learning (SOL) provide a framework for minimum performance standards required in English, math, science, and social studies as well as other subjects, at each grade level and/or course in public schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Yvonne B. Miller High Schools students participate in the SOL testing program in grades and courses designated by the Virginia Department of Education. Performance results indicate a student’s proficiency level in each course tested.
VDOE Approved Substitute Tests for Awarding Verified Credits
Virginia Alternative Assessment Program (VAAP) - The Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) is designed to evaluate the performance of students with significant cognitive disabilities in grades 3-8 and high school who are working on academic standards that have been reduced in complexity and depth. These standards, referred to as the Aligned Standards of Learning (ASOL), are derived from the Standards of Learning (SOL). VAAP eligibility criteria requires that the student receives a curriculum significantly reduced in complexity and depth and the student’s disability impacts other aspects of their instruction, such as communication, behavior, and/or self-help skills. It is the combination of these academic challenges which precludes the student from being able to access grade level content, which would prevent them from earning the necessary standard and verified credits required for a standard or advanced studies diploma.
ACCESS 2.0 for EL Testing - The Virginia Board of Education selected the WIDA Consortium’s Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners (ACCESS for ELLs®) test in 2007 as the state-approved English language proficiency (ELP) assessment. The ACCESS for ELLs® 2.0 test assesses social and instructional English used within the school context as well as academic English associated with language arts, mathematics, science and social studies across the four language domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The ACCESS for ELLs® 2.0 test is administered annually to EL students K-12 to monitor their progress in acquiring English proficiency.
Many CTE courses prepare students for industry certification opportunities. Students who desire this professional credential must pass an industry-developed, industry evaluated exam at the end of the CTE course. Earning an industry credential demonstrates the professional skill level the student has achieved and provides industry-recognized proof that the student is prepared for career-related responsibilities or post-secondary education or training.
Working in Support of Education (W!SE) – financial literacy test
Workplace Readiness Skills (WRS)
High School Equivalency (HSE) Testing
General Education Development (GED) - Currently, the only Virginia board approved HSE examination in Virginia is the General Educational Development (GED) test, which was developed to enable persons who have not graduated from high school to demonstrate the attainment of abilities normally associated with the completion of a high school program of study.
Individual Student Alternative Education Plan (ISAEP) - The Individual Student Alternative Education Plan (ISAEP) program prepares students at risk of dropping out of public high school to take the General Educational Development (GED®) test while developing career and technical education skills. The ISAEP program fulfills compulsory attendance requirements for students who are between 16 and 18 years of age.
PowerSchool Parent Portal Login = PowerSchool gives families easy access to class grades, attendance information and student schedules. For account access, contact Christen Banks at 804-371-0700.